Upper Valley Refugee Aid Calendar
The Upper Valley Refugee Working Group is an informal group of volunteers working to address the global displaced persons crisis in local and global ways. We are committed:
A. To provide immediate funding to international agencies for refugee relief;
B. To develop multiple initiatives for education in the local community about refugee needs and immigration processes;
C. To compile a listing local services available to assist all refugees in the Upper Valley; and,
D. To establish an on-going Upper Valley refugee support group.
This calendar is intended as a resource for sharing information about all NH/VT refugee-related events. If you or your group would like to add an event, or if you or your group host regular events, and you would like to be added to the calendar as an admin, please contact Julie Püttgen.
A. To provide immediate funding to international agencies for refugee relief;
B. To develop multiple initiatives for education in the local community about refugee needs and immigration processes;
C. To compile a listing local services available to assist all refugees in the Upper Valley; and,
D. To establish an on-going Upper Valley refugee support group.
This calendar is intended as a resource for sharing information about all NH/VT refugee-related events. If you or your group would like to add an event, or if you or your group host regular events, and you would like to be added to the calendar as an admin, please contact Julie Püttgen.