Julie Püttgen: Writing & Books
108 EyesI set out to embody eyes all over, during a 108-day embroidery and performance extravaganza. This book is available through Blurb.com.
Stories from the RoadThis is a blog I started in September 2015, just as I was heading out on the Inner Beauty Pilgrimage to the Sacred-Ordinary Everywhere.
Warrior Suit, Healer SuitTransforming a found WWII American Red Cross Service nurse’s uniform into the Warrior Suit/Healer Suit over a period of 108 days, I embroidered, moved, wrote, and photographed – every day. I was inspired by the fierce, compassionate energy of the Tibetan Buddhist Dakinis and their iconography of skulls, flames, lotuses, garlands of severed heads, and bone ornaments. This book is intended as a reminder to author and viewer alike of the transformative power of daily, embodied creative practice. It is an invitation to show up as ourselves in the world – sacred, whole, fiery, tender, and more than a little bit weird.
This book is available for sale & preview through Blurb.com. Rebelle SocietyIn January and March 2017, Rebelle Society published essays that originally appeared in my Stories from the Road blog.
The White Dress ProjectThe White Dress Project, a one-hundred-and-eight-day commitment to daily creative practice, required devotional work in embroidery, photography, writing, and movement - every day. This book is available for sale & preview through Blurb.com.
Stories from the Now…is an older blog, started as a path of reflection & refining the weekly writings I produce with my beloved Notebook Club.
Storysmuggler: Sewanee StoriesThe Fall of 2011 was my last semester of teaching drawing and painting at Sewanee: The University of the South, in Sewanee, TN. During those four months, I wrote stories and recorded them, as a way to see this beloved and complex place more clearly before moving on.
Forty Words & Forty Days is a collection of forty 40-word essays on The Day My Life Changed (aka every day), written over the course of forty days. Ten Thousand Joys & Sorrows takes ten of those pieces & expands them into ten 100-word essays each.
For more information about the books - including excerpts & information on how to buy them - please click here. Goddess is in the DetailsI was invited by National Geographic Traveler: India to write a first-person travelogue of my studies at Thangde Gatsal Studio, in Dharamsala, India, and so I did!
How To Make a Green GoddessThis illustrated book chronicles my studies of Himalayan thangka painting in Dharamsala, India, and shows the process step-by-step. A full preview is available through Blurb.